Bulova Lunar Pilot Chronograph

Format: VXP.
Compatible with: Smartwatches with MTK2502 CPU.
Watchface type: Analog.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 240x240.

Watchface of this fantastic Bulova watch for smartwatches with MTK2502 CPU.

On August 2 1971 the Apollo 15 made history, and with it a Bulova Lunar Pilot Chronograph. Customized for astronomical conditions, the watch could precisely track time and ensure that no one ran out of oxygen, water or battery power in the portable life-support-system backpack. It was also used to back up the on-board timers for the critical reentry into the earth's atmosphere.

The special edition of the Lunar Pilot Chronograph replicates that original timepiece, and now you can download this watchface and install it on your smartwatch to feel the history of the space travels.

Watch model: Copyright © Bulova.

Watchface picture (click to enlarge)
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