KYR Xīnnián Kuàilè (新年快乐)

Format: VXP.
Compatible with: Smartwatches with MTK2502 CPU.
Watchface type: Analog.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 240x240.

Today is the Lunar New Year, starting the year of the Ox. And Xīnnián Kuàilè or 新年快乐 is one of the ways to say Happy New Year in chinese. One thing leads to another, and this is how now I bring you this beautiful watchface to celebrate the Lunar New Year holidays. This watchface uses basically, for everything, two very typical colors in the Lunar New Year festivities: red and yellow (or golden). And the design shows many different symbols related to this holidays. And to complete the design, the hours (except the 12) are represented with the chinese zodiac animals, with the Ox prominently dispayed in the design of the watchface.

Happy Lunar New Year to all the chinese friends. And, if you're not chinese, you can celebrate it anyways with this cute watchface!

Watchface picture (click to enlarge)
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