Format: .BIN file.
Compatible with: Haylou Solar.
Watchface type: Digital.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 240x240.
Watchface Features:
- Digital time (hours and minutes).
- Weekday.
- Day.
- Month.
- Battery indicator.
- Battery percent.
- Weather.
- Temperature.
- Steps.
- Status of the Bluetooth connection with the phone.
This watchface is exactly what the name says: Good things take time. A reminder that, no matter how fast you want to go, everything happens at its time, and good things comes with time, not fast. This is the first watchface I make with a "message", or a "philosophy", and probably there will be more to come, every time I find a pic with a message that I like for a watchface. The dark color of all the elements are intended to keep a "harmony" with the color of the message, and to be as similar to a handwriting as possible.
With this watchface, you'll never forget you need to take your time to reach all your goals,or get all the good things you're looking for.