Format: Android ClockSkin.
Compatible with: Smartwatches with Full Android (not Android Wear).
Watchface type: Digital.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 400x400.
Watchface Features:
- Digital time (hours and minutes).
- Weekday.
- Day.
- Month.
- Battery percent.
- Weather.
- Temperature.
- Steps.
Tap options for compatible watches:
- Tap in the date area to open the calendar.
- Tap in the weather icon to open the weather app.
- Tap in the battery percent area to open the battery options.
- Tap in the steps to open the fitness app.
This watchface is exactly what the name says: Good things take time. A reminder that, no matter how fast you want to go, everything happens at its time, and good things comes with time, not fast. This is the first watchface I make with a "message", or a "philosophy", and probably there will be more to come, every time I find a pic with a message that I like for a watchface. The dark color of all the elements are intended to keep a "harmony" with the color of the message, and to be as similar to a handwriting as possible.
With this watchface, you'll never forget you need to take your time to reach all your goals,or get all the good things you're looking for.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The tap options in the version for Android 10 ONLY works with the stock firmware, and NOT in the different beta "International FAW firmwares" that are being developed by Full Android Watch and Wiiteer, because some of the apps used changed from one version to another, and others disappeared. Some of them may work, or not, in those firmwares. Keep this in mind if you're using any of those firmware versions.
Version without tap options: