Format: Android ClockSkin.
Compatible with: Smartwatches with Full Android (not Android Wear).
Watchface type: Analog.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 400x400.
Watchface Features:
- Analog time (hours, minutes and seconds hands).
- Battery percent dial.
- Weekday.
- Day.
- Month.
- Weather.
- Temperature.
Tap options for compatible watches:
- Tap in the date area to open the calendar.
- Tap in the battery percent dial to open the battery options.
- Tap in the weather area to open the weather app.
On 18 February 2021, Perseverance landed in the crater Jezero, in Mars, and started to investigate our neighbour planet. Since then it has set new records for the longest drive in a Martian day, has sent thousands of data (including thousands of images, and the first sounds from Mars), and its helicopter Ingenuity did the first flights on Mars (with more than 30 flights completed on September 2022).
This watchface is a tribute to Perseverance and NASA's Mars 2020 mission. The information of the dial is shown in a style that reminds the intrument panels from the space ships, using the tipography of the NASA logo for the information displayed. And, to honor the Red Planet, there are not one but two places showing the image of Mars. The first one, in the main background of the watchface, and the second one in the battery percent dial.
If you love the space investigation, the exploration of the universe, the mysteries of the cosmos, this watchface is perfect for you and for everybody who wants a modern and very stylish look on his smartwatch.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The tap options in the version for Android 10 ONLY works with the stock firmware, and NOT in the different beta "International FAW firmwares" that are being developed by Full Android Watch and Wiiteer, because some of the apps used changed from one version to another, and others disappeared. Some of them may work, or not, in those firmwares. Keep this in mind if you're using any of those firmware versions.
Version without tap options: