KYR Broken Dial - Haylou Solar watchface

Format: .BIN file.
Compatible with: Haylou Solar.
Watchface type: Digital.
Screen type: Round.
Watchface size: 240x240.

Watchface Features:
  • Digital time (hour, minutes and AM/PM text)
  • Weekday
  • Day
  • Month
  • Battery percent
  • Status of the bluetooth connection with the phone

What the.....?????? What happened to my watchface? How did this hole and cracks appear? It's like it has been hit, or like there was an earthquake inside the watch. And the hands? They've been pulled off and thrown randomly there. They're useless now.

Oh, wait! Is there a digital time, in the hole? Was it hidden under the watchface?

Well... then, I guess I can still use my watch...

Watchface picture (click to enlarge)
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