K9 Pro
Beautiful, cheap... but not very customizable
Hello everybody, and welcome to a new video. This time, we're going to do the unboxing of a different kind of smartwatch than the ones I used before. Those who knows my blog, knows that the watchfaces I design are compatible with smartwatches that has MediaTek's MTK2502 CPU, or watches with full version of Android.
This watch is different, because it's not an Android watch, and its processor is Nordic NRF52832.
This smartwatch can be considered VERY cheap, it has important customization limitations, and a drawback that I'll mention later and that I consider very negative and its battery duration is, according to the sellers, higher than in the kind of watches that i mentioned before.
I must tell that this watch can be found under different brands and distributed by different sellers. So it's not strange to find a brand selling it on sites like Aliexpress, and in the search results also find another watch from another brand that shows the same promotional pictures. In other words: it's the same product.
This is something usual in cheap chinese smartwatches: a company manufactures them and sells them to different brands to distribute them.
The box is not impressive at all. It's just a white carton box, similar to the ones used for other gadgets, and with no brand, just the text "Smart Watch". Also, the box doesn't include much information, and in a side we see some icons showing some of the smartwatch's functions (watch, heartrate monitor, pedometer, notifications, calories burned, and sleep monitor).
When we open it, we find the watch. And when I say watch I mean exactly that: just the watch. It doesn't have the strap attached, and it comes inside with the other accessories.
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About these accessories, there's not much to talk about. We have the strap, that in my case is metallic milanese style, with magnetic closure.
We also find the manual, that unlike other cheap smartwatches comes only in english, and not english and chinese like in other cases.
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And, last, we have the USB charging cable, that I must say I DID NOT like it at all. And why? It's LIKE A CLAMP. Seriously? Weren't there better options? There are charging bases, magnetic contact cables... This, in my opinion, is REALLY UGLY. But what cannot be denied is that it will be impossible for the watch to unhook from the charging cable.
Another thing I don't like is that in this case the charging contact is with TWO pins. So now we have "another kind of cable for the collection". There are MicroUSB cables, there are 4-pins cables, there are charging bases with the pins in semicircular position... and now I have my first 2-pins charging cable. I don't understand how is it possible that the manufacturers of this kind of watches doesn't make a standard charging cable and charging connection to use the same cable in all of them.
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Appareance of the watch
The strap is far from the standard 22mm size I saw in most of the cheap smartwatches, and in this case is a bit smaller (20mm). It's replaceable, so it can be changed to another of the same size. The possibility of changing the straps is one of the, as i said, limited customization options the watch has.
Regarding the aesthetic sice, I like it because it looks sober, nice, and combines with any situation because it fits with an urban look, a sporty look, or an elegant look, and replacing the straps also helps to combine it with any outfit.
We can say the watch is beautiful and there's nothing it can't be combined with. The power button is not big, and it has a small band in red color that helps to see it better.
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The screen is IPS and its size es 1.3 inches and doesn't look very big, so it can fit in the wrists of both men and women.
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In the back of the watch we have the contact for the charging cable's pins, and the heartrate sensor. What I don't see anywhere is the speaker, so it's very well hidden.
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The watch, working
Let's turn on the watch, and for that we'll press the power button for some seconds, and we see it gets turned on pretty fast. We see the watchface with the info of the burned calories, the heartrate monitor and the pedometer.
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If we slide to the left or right we access the different apps included in the watch. There's not any app menu, and the apps get activated as we slide to the left or the right in the screen.
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The watch has 3 watchfaces, and to change it we just have to go to the Settings. Once there, we select the Switch Style option, where we can choose between the active one, this one we see now...
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and a thiurd one that is customizable. To modify it we have to use the app that is used with the watch in our mobile phone, and we can choose any picture or image to use it as background for the watchface.
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As I mentioned before, this is the big limitation in the customization, because the only thigs we can change is the background, the location of the time, and the info added to the time. Besides this, we can't install any new watchface, so we can only use the 3 ones we just saw.
And as I also told before, there's something particular about the watch that i find VERY negative. It's a drawback that i don't like for this kind of watch, and it's that although we can't see it clearly now, the screen is SQUARE. So, the screen doesn't cover all the circunference of the watch, and is just a square located in the middle.
This is inconvenient, for example, if we want to change the background in the customizable watchface and set as background a picture that is totally square. We'll see the square with the picture in the middle of the watch's screen.
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Let's take a look to the apps we can use sliding the screen. Sports is the pedometer app and mesures the steps, the burned calories and the distance we walked or ran. The sleep monitor measuresthe time we slept and the quality of our sleep. With the heartrate monitor we'll know our heartrate activity.
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The Training app lets us choose between differents sports and measures in real time out heartrate, the steps during our workout, and calculates the distance and the calories we burn.
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Another app let's us measure the blood pressure, but for my experience with this watchs I consider the blood pressure can't be reilably measured with this sensors, so I don't recommend this option. Something different blood oxygen level, and I think the sensor can offer a measurement that, if it is not 100% exact, it is very accurate.
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We can also access info about the weather, where we can see the current weather and temperature, and also know the forecast for the next 5 days.
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Another option shows the notifications, we also have a remote shutter for the phone's camera, and a music player to listen the music we have on our phone.
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Last, we have the Settings, where we can change the watchface, start the chronometer, mute the notifications, restart the watch, turn it off, or change the brightness level.
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As I said in the begining, an advantage of this watch is the battery duration because according to the watch's info, despite it's just 180 mAh, on standby it lasts 15 days and with a continuous use it lasts between 5 and 7. It makes its autonomy higher than the watches with MTK2502 CPU, and many of the watches with full version of Android.
Colors and price
K9 Pro is available in 3 colors: black, silver and rose gold. The last one, as I said in the unboxing of the WatchOut Gen2 I made some time ago, is perfect for women, because there are not many smartwatches that fits well to them.
The smartwatch is very cheap. In Aliexpress its price is about 17 euros, but I saw it even at about 12.
After seeing all this, I have a bittersweet feeling about this watch. In one side, the lack of customization options makes it loose many points. But, in other side, its nice appareance the battery duration and the price are positive aspects.
It makes this watch a good option for someone who wants something very cheap, beautiful and useful to monitor the physical activity and some healt info. But not for users who are looking for somethinig more ambitious and who likes to have new watchfaces in their watch everytime they want.
For all this, and after considering the advantages and drawbacks, I'd rate it 6,5 out of 10.