How to install Android ClockSkin watchfaces

For most of the smartwatches with Full Android OS (not Android Wear), the process to install a new watchface is very easy. Some models may require to install them in a different way, but this method works for most of them like No.1 D5/D6/D7/K22, KW88, Zeblaze Thor, and many others.

Also, some models may be compatible with watchfaces compressed in ZIP format. But this is not common to all of them. So, in this tutorial we are going to see how to install them once they've been extracted from a ZIP or RAR file.

1.- Download the watchface and extract the content of the ZIP/RAR file. You can skip this step if you already did it.

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2.- Connect the watch to your computer. In some watches, maybe you'll have to activate the USB storage option in the watch when you do it.

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3.- Create a folder called "ClockSkin" in the smartwatch internal storage. If this folder already exists, you can skip this step.

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4.- Copy the folder containing the watchface inside the "ClockSkin" folder of the watch. You can do it by "drag and drop" or by "copy and paste".

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Make sure the watchface folder only have the files inside, and NOT any subfolder containing thm.

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5.- Disconnect the watch from the computer. Now, you can select the new watchface in your watch. Some models requires to restart the watch because it doesn't recognize the new watchface after being copied. If it''s your case, just restart your smartwatch and you'll be able to use it.

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