How to install VXP watchfaces

The process to install VXP watchfaces in smartwatches with MTK2502 CPUs is very simple.

But, before that, you MUST install Mediatek SmartDevice or Fundo SmartDevice in your phone (it's the same APP, but with a different "first name"). You can get them HERE.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Install ONLY one of them, not both because there will be APP conflicts and they'll not work.

1.- Download the watchface you like and extract the files with Winzip or WinRAR. Make sure you get the 3 files (one VXP file, one PNG file and one XML file). You can skip this step if you already did it.

(Click to enlarge)

2.- In your phone storage, open the folder called "appmanager".

(Click to enlarge)

3.- Copy all the files of the watchface to the "appmanager" folder of your phone.

(Click to enlarge)

4.- In your phone, open Mediatek SmartDevice or Fundo SmartDevice and in the main screen, tap in the option "My Applications".

(Click to enlarge)

5.- You'll see the screen showing the list of Apps and Watchfaces. Search in this list the watchface you copied to the phone and tap the "Install" button to install the watchface.

(Click to enlarge)

6.- In the screen you will see a message saying the watchface is being installed and it will take a little time. Once installed this message will close, the button will change to say "Uninstall", and the watch will show a message saying the watchface was successfully installed.

(Click to enlarge)

The process to uninstall the watchfaces is the same. Search in the Applications list to the watchface you want to uninstall and tap the "uninstall" button.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! When you uninstall a watchface, make sure the watch is not using that watchface. If it's being used, just change the watchface before uninstalling it. Otherwise, the watch could hace system errors or get bricked. (blocked without chance to be unblocked).
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